Dr David Lewis
Pioneering psychologist and broadcaster who coined the term “road rage”
Specialises in neuroscience as applied to consumer behaviour and decision-making
Chartered Psychologist and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine

Dr David Lewis is a pioneering psychologist, neuroscientist, author and award-winning broadcaster. He coined the term “Road Rage” and has written more than 30 best-selling books which have been published world-wide including ‘Winning New Business', ‘Stress for Success', ‘How To Get Your Message Across' and ‘Impulse'.
He is a Chartered Psychologist and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, the International Stress Management Association and the Institute of Directors. He is an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society and a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
David Lewis started life in medicine but switched to psychology and gained a First Class Honours degree in psychology and later a doctorate from the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Sussex. After lecturing there he left, in 1987, to start his own research organisation specialising in brain research and neuroscience as applied to consumer behaviour and decision-making.
David's sense of humour and showmanship has led to major television work such as Channel Four's acclaimed 'Red Mist', BBC radio series 'Lewis on Life' and the Sony Award winning 'Sporting Partnerships' interviewing sporting legends.
After leaving medicine, Dr Lewis worked as an international photo journalist covering major stories around the world and it was while he was in Belfast that he became interested in the psychology behind the violence surrounding him. He obtained a First Class Honours degree and a doctorate from the University of Sussex.
Impulse - When you make a decision or form an opinion, you think you know why. But you're wrong. The truth is that most of our mental activity actually happens below the level of conscious thought. In Dr David Lewis' groundbreaking book, he explores this incredible phenomenon.
Delving into the mysteries of the 'zombie brain' that each of us possesses, he demonstrates how unconscious neurological processes underpin every aspect of our lives, from whether or not we find someone sexually attractive to how we resist (or give in to) temptation.
In the process, Dr Lewis shows how finger length is a reliable predictor of risk-taking behaviour, how seeing the logos of fast food chains can make you more impatient and how holding a warm drink makes you find strangers more likeable.
Above all he reveals the practical applications of this emerging field of research, giving us insights into such diverse areas as child development, anti-social activities like rioting, successful dieting, and even the ways that supermarkets make us spend more. We may not be conscious of our impulses but it is clear that we can no longer afford to be ignorant of them.
Dr David Lewis has over 30 years experience as a keynote speaker and conference / workshop presenter. He regularly speaks at conferences in the UK, Europe, Far East and USA where his presentations have been described as “powerful, memorable and magical!”
As Chairman, founder and Director of his own research organisation David Lewis is able to ensure that all his presentations are based on original research findings and extensive unpublished data, together with cutting-edge technology, which helps his audiences understand the latest management thinking and scientific discoveries.
The Mind of the New Consumer
New consumers are aspirational, unpredictable and growing more influential with each year that passes. As an ever increasing number of their basic their needs are met, they have expanding amounts of disposable income to spend on luxury goods and personal services that offer a strong "feel good factor".
Quality and value are taken as givens and they constantly shop around for the best possible services and added-on extras. With lifestyles dominated by high expectations, a demand for instant gratification and a passion for novelty, their span of both time and attention are shorter than at any time in the history of marketing.
David explains what anyone in the business of retailing, selling or marketing needs to know about these ‘new consumers’; how to cater for their needs, win their approval and ensure their continuing loyalty.
How the Consumers Brain Makes Up the Consumers Mind
New technology enables researchers to eavesdrop on the mind of consumers as they watch TV commercials in their own home, glance at a roadside advertisement, window show, study a new car design, listen to an advertisement on radio, sniff a perfume or savour the aroma of freshly brewed coffee.
In this interactive presentation David both describes and demonstrates the ways in which the latest mind reading technology provide insights into the consumers subconscious decision making processes and explains how these findings reveal the truth about what the consumers mind is telling the consumers brain.
Brain Sell Inside the Neuromarketing Revolution
Hey big spender, so refined, wouldn't you like to know what’s going on in my mind? challenged Shirley MacClaine in the musical Sweet Charity.
Today, developments in neuroscience and brain imaging are increasingly revealing not only to know what is going on in the consumers mind but how to turn such knowledge to commercial advantage.
In this lively, interactive and visually exciting presentation, David takes his audience on a journey of exploration into the amazing world of brain science to explain precisely what Neuromarketing is and how it is helping an increasing number of farsighted companies communicate with their customers more effectively and persuasively than ever before.
Subliminal Advertising - Fact or Fiction?
Ideal for marketing, advertising or sales conferences, Dr David Lewis explores the truth about subliminal messages. Advertisement shown too briefly for the conscious brain to notice.
It is now over half a century since James Vicary caused an uproar with his claims that move audiences had bought more popcorn and Coke after he had flashed subliminal messages onto the screen. Vicary's claims were a hoax but in this lively, interactive, presentation Dr David describes modern research demonstrating that subliminal messages really do effect consumer behaviour.
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Your profound mastery of the management subjects, and your excellent presentation contributed significantly to the success of the session. Our multinational audience responded extremely well to your lively guidance through the event.
Dr David Lewis' lecture was very inspiring and it also provided important insights for corporate management.
The way in which you put over your message was excellent, mixing humour and business fact with the right balance, which means that our audience will retain the serious message within your presentation.
It is difficult to find enough superlatives to describe the excellent presentations given by you. As a meeting/convention planner, I found it a genuine pleasure to work with you. David I would highly recommend you for any conference or meeting anywhere and at any time.
The content and presentation was excellent. Everyone in the audience was enthused and excited about a subject which they do not hear about everyday.
Thank you very much for your superb speech at our Executive Conference. Every member of the audience I've talked with since has praised the relevance of the content and the humour in delivery. Up to that point the Conference had gone well – your contribution helped make it truly memorable.
Your talk was fascinating and I would never have believed it possible that anyone could wake up an audience so successfully after lunch. I know that we all learnt a great deal from what you said and the way in which the message was presented.
Without exception everyone I have spoken to since was very impressed with the quality of your talk and also your knowledge of our industry.
How to book Dr David Lewis for your event
To book Dr David Lewis, please submit an online enquiry to booking.agent@nmp.co.uk or contact one of our booking agents on +44 (0)20 3822 0003.

The UK’s best-known doctors and BBC’s Breakfast resident doctor

Psychologist and specialist on deception, humour and the characteristics of luck

World leading expert on stress and and organisational behaviour

One of the UK's leading publicists, creative lecturers and commentators

Chartered clinical psychologist working with children and adolescents

Science writer, geneticist and broadcaster