Nigel Risner
Author of "You had me at Hello", the new rules for better networking
Award-winning dynamic and sought-after motivational speaker
Awarded Speaker of the Year from The Academy for Chief Executives

As the only motivational speaker in Europe to have been awarded Speaker of the Year from both The Academy for Chief Executives and Vistage (formerly known as The Executive Committee), Nigel Risner has been thrilling, changing and shaping audiences for many years and is quickly becoming one of the most sought after motivational keynote speakers in the world.
He has a unique ability to translate serious and powerful messages into incredibly entertaining and empowering experiences for audiences of every description.
A respected author and presenter, Nigel speaks with authority: his own life having veered perilously away from comfortable norms at times. He has learned - the hard way - that positive results can come from negative experiences, and that we often learn best from situations which are unfamiliar and even uncomfortable.
As one of the youngest CEO's of a financial services company in the City of London, Nigel knows business as well as he knows life and more importantly he knows what it takes to lead a successful business!
Unlike other motivational speakers or consultants, he has the ability to translate - with electrifying effect - that hands on experience into a coherent, compelling and exciting philosophy, which has made him one of Europe's leading keynote speakers and a powerful professional one-to-one coach to some of the world's leading business executives.
Today Nigel Risner conducts more than 150 motivational seminars and corporate speaking engagements a year for an enormous variety of companies and organisations in Britain and overseas. When he isn't travelling Nigel lives with his wife and two children in Hertfordshire.
His books "You had me at Hello" - the new rules for better networking - and "It's a zoo around here" - the new rules for better communication - have sold in their thousands and are literally transforming lives all around the world. His latest book The IMPACT Code is setting a new standard for self-help guides... this one actually works!
Motivational & Keynote Speaking
Nigel Risner's presentations are for individuals and companies who are looking for new information about their everyday situations, interactions, opportunities, problems and challenges. In short - anyone attending a seminar, workshop or keynote will be looking for ANSWERS.
Unlock Untapped Potential
Speaking and training more than 150 times a year, Nigel Risner provides answers, informs, challenges and entertains at conferences, dinners and events for companies like GSK, HSBC, Exel, Red Bull, RBS, Nat West and Pfizer.
Specially Tailored Presentations
The attendee at Nigel Risner's keynote presentations learns to change listening and learning habits from the traditional "I know that" to the 21st century strategy, "How good am I at that?" Each participant walks away with new understanding and an individualised game plan for action (and success).
Keynotes - "Powerful Business Messages"
Nigel delivers information "with a lot of snap" - so individuals can grasp it then, remember it now, and use it at once. He has a knack for entertaining up a storm while carefully laying down a simple, powerful, business-building message… a message that people remember for a long, long time.
Areas of Expertise:
• Personal Development - The I.M.P.A.C.T. Model
• Zoo Keeping - the new rules for communication - a light hearted but 'on the money' look at the key personality types that pervade our everyday lives... learn how to spot them and how to deal with them:
• Leadership - How to go From Vision to Victory From Mission to Mastery
• Creating Customer Excellence
• Mastering Communication
• How to Network Effectively
• Change
• CEO Training
• Relationship Development
• Peak Performance & Sales Development
• Executive Development Seminars
• Training Seminars
• Employee Motivation
• Sales
Nigel Risner’s basic point is one of empowerment: Think bigger, he urges, figure out 'what needs to be done' beyond the confines of your job description and do it!
Nigel Risner speaks to thousands of people about personal growth, self-development and professional success. He shares practical techniques for reaching your highest potential and ultimately creating a life that brings you great personal happiness and business success.
At his seminars, which last between one and three days, you are given a blueprint for self-mastery. You learn there are no limitations to what you can accomplish. Only those you impose on yourself.
Nigel Risner - “Turbo Charge You”. Bespoke Seminar and workshops for specific client needs.
• Creating Impact as a Leader
• Finding One's Destiny
• Goal Setting
• Having your best year ever
• How to Get the Most out of Your People and Yourself
• Mission Purpose
• Self Esteem
• Ten Steps to Success
• Unbelievable Success for Successful CEOs
• Vision V Routine
Exclusive interview with Nigel Risner
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I want to thank you for an excellent presentation and the feedback from various members of the team has been very positive. You handled the 10 different nationalities with aplomb and the result was an enlivened team who had fun and I'm sure will all start to think in a more expansive way.
It gave me great pleasure last night to announce that you won 'Speaker of the Year'... Deservedly won, congratulations.
OUTSTANDING! In the evaluations, you scored 94.4% for value to the member and 96.7% for your skill in communicating ideas. This is the second highest score of any speaker presenting to V427 in the last eight years. Well done! You had clearly spent some time studying the Members' Profile that I had sent you and also retained the detail from members' comments made during the course of the session. This enabled you to interact with the members in a very positive and meaningful way. Finally, for me you showed great skill in being both entertaining and humorous, whilst delivering substantive learning.
How delighted I was with the response to your session! They were the highest marks we have achieved with a speaker in five years and that is a great tribute to the way in which you approached and adapted your session.
The feedback that I have had has been awesome, your combination of humour passion and energy was an inspiration for the whole team and was the perfect climax to our managers conference.
I’ve been organising large scale conferences and events for more years than I care to remember. I can honestly say Nigel Risner is unequivocally the very best speaker I have ever engaged. When I say best I mean BEST; in every respect. He has a powerful personality that commands attention. He has a style of delivery that captures and holds people’s imagination... and spellbound! He has an enormous capacity for wit and the wisdom of Solomon. Nigel Risner doesn’t just deliver an engaging presentation. He does his homework to understand and identify the challenges his audiences face; offering creative and novel solutions to resolve them. I have never engaged the same speaker twice. I’ve engaged Nigel 3 times! Thank you Nigel and long may you continue to wow audiences around the world!
Many thanks Nigel for your superb "irritation" presentation on Friday -- it was brilliant and just what we wanted for the afternoon, it really gave a lot of our colleagues food for thought and for action.
Nigel Risner is the best speaker I know, I love listening to him, he is entertaining, thought provoking and always leaves you with a life changing thought. Every time I have here him speak he has new and fantastic content, I would like to recommend Nigel, you will love him.
How to book Nigel Risner for your event
To book Nigel Risner, please submit an online enquiry to or contact one of our booking agents on +44 (0)20 3822 0003.

People and performance expert, listed in 100 Best Business Speakers in Britain

High-performance team coach, leadership and change speaker

One of Britain's most in-demand motivational speakers

BBC TV and radio presenter described as the legendary alternative business guru

Communication, collaboration and conflict resolution speaker