Rohit Talwar
Global futurist, consultant and founder of Fast Future Research
Named one of the top ten global future thinkers by the Independent newspaper
His clients include American Express, Emirates, IBM, Intel, Microsoft and more

Rohit Talwar is a global futurist and consultant who helps audiences make sense of and respond to a constantly changing reality and a hyper connected world. He helps clients understand how to respond to the forces and ideas shaping the future, deliver transformational change and create imaginative new strategies and possibilities.
Rohit is an award winning futurist speaker and specialist advisor on business transformation, disruptive strategies and radical innovation. He was nominated as one the top ten global future thinkers by the UK's Independent newspaper.
Rohit has delivered highly inspirational, thought provoking and humorous keynotes to leadership audiences in over 60 countries on six continents. His regular speaking topics include forces shaping the future, the industries of tomorrow, the future of nations and cities, new business models, disruptive technologies, change drivers, economic futures, innovation, developing economies, sustainability, emerging jobs, opportunities and risks, the future of professional services, navigating complexity and winning in a downturn.
He helps participants learn how to identify the critical factors shaping the future and assess the impacts for their own lives and organisations. He uses powerful insights, case studies and provocative imagery to demonstrate practical strategies and innovative approaches through which organisations and individuals can respond to and create the future.
Rohit Talwar is the founder and CEO of Fast Future Research - providing consultancy, transformational futures experiences, foresight research and keynote speeches to leading corporations, governments, associations and NGOs around the world. His clients include American Express, Barclays, Boeing, Emirates, IBM, Intel, Microsoft and Nokia.
Rohit contributes regularly on futures and innovation topics to TV, news media, books and journals. He has been interviewed, profiled and quoted on over 1000 occasions by TV, print and media channels in more than 40 countries around the world from the USA to China, India, Korea and Nigeria. These include the BBC, Bloomberg TV, CNN, Sky, Al Jazeera, The Guardian and The Times. He is the subject of documentaries in several countries including Korea, Finland, Brazil, India and Pakistan and is a major contributor to a forthcoming US feature on the concept of creating a new country.
Through his consulting and research work at Fast Future, Rohit Talwar is helping global clients deliver transformational strategies and invent powerful new concepts that will disrupt existing sectors and create the industries of the future. Part of what Fast Future do is helping clients determine how to transform their strategy, products and services and create the future design for their organisation.
For each client, Rohit Talwar starts by taking a detailed brief of the event, audience and the goals of the session. He then constructs a bespoke and customised talk. Typically he starts by exploring the social, economic, business, environmental and technological forces that are shaping the future and driving innovation and convergence in the marketplace and shaping future demand in the client's target markets.
Rohit can highlight how existing firms and new entrants across a range of relevant sectors are responding to these future forces in innovative ways. He can also present a practical model (called from Muscle to Magic) for how firms can accelerate the process of gathering future insight and use what they learn to drive transformational strategies and operational innovation.
Rohit can also deliver talks on the following topics:
The Future - What leaders should know.
Anticipating 2025 - Key Trends, Driving Forces, Global Challenges and Potential Disruptions.
Rolling Thunder - The evolution of the emerging economies.
New World Order - Future global economic, political, environmental and business scenarios.
Hyperconnected Humanity - Forces and factors shaping how we might live, work and play in a hyperconnected world and the implications for government, business, society and individuals.
Get Your Nerd On - A timeline of science and technology developments shaping the next 5-50 years.
Future Human - How advances in science and technology could transform the human brain and body.
Love in a Cold Climate - Preserving our humanity in the face of rapid technological change.
Barbarians at the Gate - How radical thinking, disruptive innovation and imaginative new ventures are redefining strategies, business models and the 'rules of the game' in every sector.
From Muscle to Magic - How smart firms anticipate, respond to and create the future.
Dancing in the Dark - Driving future growth in a constantly changing reality.
New Horizons - future of aviation, travel, tourism, hotels and live events.
A lawyer, an iPad and a Robot - Drivers of change and future strategies for professional service firms.
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Dear Rohit, I'd like to express our sincere thanks and most heartfelt appreciation for your excellent presentation at the Middle East Duty Free Conference last week in Abu Dhabi. The delegate feedback we have received on you is also nothing short of outstanding. We greatly appreciated your commitment to the conference theme and the way you responded to the brief – it was spot on. Not only was your presentation informative and provided real learning experience, you also delivered it in a truly entertaining manner keeping delegates on the edge of their seats throughout.
On behalf of the Kellen Europe organising team, I would hereby like to express our appreciation for your contribution to the success of this year's EuroConference. Your presentation was highly informative and much appreciated by the audience. We noticed a very engaged audience, eager to hear more or challenge you with “why Europe is important” – that is what it should do. The books went like hot cakes. It was a great pleasure to work with you again.
Just a short note to thank you for your presentation yesterday. It was fascinating and enlightening and clearly engaged the whole audience which was shown by the enthusiasm of the extended question and answer session.
Rohit is an excellent speaker and engages with the audience in an open and approachable way. The conference was an interesting insight into what the future economic climate might be and how to plan in uncertain times.
Rohit's seminar – Winning in a Downturn – was one of those rare sessions which pass by in a flash and truly inspire new ideas. The combination of macro trends, practical actions and information from such a variety of sources really gave me food for thought and clearly inspired any number of ideas and questions from the other members of the audience. I have been remembering snippets all week and telling people about new trends, interesting facts and how we'll all live to 150! I can highly recommend Rohit as a speaker and this session in particular – you will not be disappointed.
Thank you the Winning in a Downturn seminar. I found the evening very valuable. Your presentation was extremely insightful and thought provoking. It gave me the impetus to think strategically where my firm's services should be focused going forward. I agree that energy, infrastructure, healthcare, education, the internet as a core platform and the global shift in population will all play a key to success for companies going into the next round of scenario planning. The strategies and programs that you outlined will go a long way to help companies succeed.
My colleague and I were delighted to be invited to attend a seminar hosted by Rohit Talwar at the QEII Conference Centre. The event proved to be an enlightening experience and gave a real insight into strategies that could push our business forward during these difficult times. Rohit's presentation was clear, informative and entertaining, giving a global perspective to the challenges faced by businesses going into the next decade. The presentation provoked a truly illuminating discussion among the delegates, facilitated by Rohit's insightful comments, everyone felt able to contribute to the conversation and this added greatly to the effectiveness of event. It was a shame we had to curtail the discussion but I think we would all still have been there for breakfast if we hadn't stopped when we did!!I would not hesitate to recommend Rohit's seminars to anyone who thinks and works on a strategic level, within a business or any other organisation.
How to book Rohit Talwar for your event
To book Rohit Talwar, please submit an online enquiry to or contact one of our booking agents on +44 (0)20 3822 0003.

One of the world's leading futurists on global trends and innovation

Internationally respected trend-spotter and futurologist

Europe's most experienced, successful and widely published futurist

Founding UK Editor-in-Chief of Wired magazine

One of the world's leading thinkers on ultra-widescale human engagement