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From questions about booking speakers, presenters and performers, to the contractual process and what you can expect on the day; with 20 years experience and standing at the forefront of our industry we've hopefully thought of, and answered, most common queries. But if not, please call us and one of our experienced agents will be very happy to help you.

Do you work with schools, charities and not-for-profit organisations?

As an independent speaker bureau and booking agency and we can only work with the celebrities, speakers and artists on our roster for paid engagements.

Unfortunately, we cannot facilitate bookings or help with requests where there is little or no budget available. Nevertheless, our clients include schools, registered charities, higher education establishments, the NHS and similar bodies. So, where possible, for these clients we will always endeavour to secure celebrities, speakers, and artists at favourable rates to meet the brief and budget.

Ross Kemp St Joseph's College presentation evening

If you fall into one of the above categories and have reasonable funds available then please get in touch and we will do our very best to secure someone at a slightly reduced rate. Whilst what is deemed 'reasonable' may be subjective, your budget will need to be relative to the brief and expectations. For example, if you're considering a motivational speaker whose usual fee is in the region of £5,000 then an offer of £500 or even £1,000 is unfortunately not going to work. For further advice and guidance based on your specific brief and budget, please contact us or enquire online.

I don't have any funds available, can you forward on my request?

The relationships we forge over many years with celebrities, agents, speakers and performers, and the trust built between us, is based on a clear understanding of the types of enquiry for which we will contact them. So, unfortunately, we cannot forward on unpaid charitable requests, ask that they get in touch with you, or provide autographed items for auction or raffle.

Shouldn't celebrities be giving back to the community and considering charity requests?

Most celebrities and those in the public eye do indeed support a number of carefully chosen charities; often becoming a patron or ambassador for their chosen charity, providing support and giving their services for free. However, this is something they'll arrange themselves directly with the charity and not through an agency such as NMP Live.

Usually, charities selected by a celebrity are ones which are close to the celebrity's heart and to which they have a personal sympathy. You'll appreciate that they cannot accept every request, and with the number of approaches celebrities receive on a daily basis, they could easily fill all day, every day, undertaking charitable work.

you made the whole process of finding and engaging our speaker very easy.
Julie Smith, Head of HR - Hastoe Group
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